Friday, October 11, 2013

Daydreaming: Paris, France



Hello nice to see you again!
If you are a Francophile (I am) then you know how powerful and incredible this city is.
French art, culture, food, music, film...macaroons, chocolate croissant...The Eiffel Tower, Mona Lisa, the Louvre...
Have a glass of (French) wine and find out if you are Francophile here.
If you are in Paris right now (you are lucky) or just planning to visit (call Soleil Travel),
take a walking tour with a native Parisian...Easy booking here.
7 Interesting pointless facts about France are here.
My favorite books are Madame Bovary or easy read Lessons From Madame Chic.
This weekend I am planning to watch Midnight in Paris and daydream about Paris back in 1920's.
What are you doing this weekend?
Try to Frenchify your day with Francophilia Gazette.
Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!
Hello...vikend je napokon ovdje...
Ako ste Frankofil (kao sto sam ja) onda vec znate kako je mocan i nevjerovatan ovaj grad.
Po nasem skromnom misljenju ne postoji nista sto moze da se poredi s francuskom umjetnosti, kulturom, kulinarstvom, muzikom, filmom...macaroni, cokoladne krosane...Aifelov Toranj, Mona Lisa, Louvre...
Ako zelite da saznate da li ste Frankofil  uzmite casu (francuskog) vina i rijesite ovaj kviz.
Ako ste u Parizu trenutno (zavidim vam) ili planirate putovanje (nazovite Soleil Travel) onda planirajte setajucu turu s vodicem koji je rodjen i odrastao u ovom prekrasnom gradu.
Pogledajte 10 interesantnih cinjenica o Francuskoj.
Ako ste ipak vise raspolozeni za knjigu ili film, ovaj vikend mozete pogledati Midnight in Paris i vratiti se u 1920-u kada je bilo zlatno doba Pariza ili procitati Madam Bouvary ili nesto laksu literaturu Lessons from Madame Chic.
Kakvi su vasi planovi za ovaj vikend?
Ako nemate bas puno vremena za knjige i filmove, prelistajte
Dragi moji imajte divan dan I hvala na citanju! 






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